刘万鸣,1968年生于河北,1989年毕业于天津美术学院,1995年就读于中国艺术研究院研究生院。历任中国艺术研究院研究生院常务副院长、中国画院常务副院长。现任全国政协委员、中国国家博物馆副馆长、中央文史研究馆书画院研究员、中国美术家协会理事、中国画学会理事、中国艺术研究院博士生导师、中国国家画院研究员、西安美术学院博士生导师、上海大学美术学院博士生导师、天津美术学院研究生导师、广州美术学院特聘教授、文化和旅游部高级职称评委、故宫博物院中国画法研究所客座研究员、中国美术家协会中国画艺委会副主任、中国工笔画学会顾问、2012年获中国青年艺术家提名奖、2014年入选国家百千万人才工程被国家授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家、中宣部2017年文化名家暨“四个一批”人才、中组部国家高层次人才特殊支持计划领军人才“万人计划”。参与国家主题性创作,由文化和旅游部主办,中国国家画院承办的“一带一路”国际美术工程,作为第一作者承担完成中国画作品《遣唐使》;庆祝建党100周年由中宣部、财政部、文化和旅游部、中国文联共同主办,中国美术家协会承办的“不忘初心 继续前行——庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大型美术创作工程”,作为第一作者承担完成中国画作品《西电东送、西气东输工程》。作品入选第九、十、十一、十二届全国美展、全国画院展及各类学术大展,曾获金、银、铜、优秀等奖项。出版个人专著二十余部。曾在中国国家博物馆等国家级展馆举办个展,作品被中国美术馆、中国国家博物馆、中国艺术研究院等国家级单位收藏,中央电视台等以专题的方式对其艺术成就有过详细的报道。
Liu Wanming, born in Hebei in 1968, graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, and studied at the Graduate School of China Academy of Art in 1995. He has served as the Executive Vice President of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Art and the Executive Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Painting. Current member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of the National Museum of China, Researcher at the Calligraphy and Painting Academy of the Central Academy of Culture and History, Director of the China Artists Association, Director of the Chinese Painting Society, Doctoral Supervisor at the China Academy of Art, Researcher at the China National Academy of Painting, Doctoral Supervisor at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Doctoral Supervisor at the Shanghai University Academy of Fine Arts, Graduate Supervisor at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Distinguished Professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Senior Professional Title Judge at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Visiting Researcher at the Chinese Painting Research Institute of the Palace Museum, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association, Advisor to the China Gongbi Painting Society, Nominated Award for Chinese Young Artists in 2012, Honorary Title of "Outstanding Young Expert with Outstanding Contributions" awarded by the National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project The 2017 Cultural Masters and "Four Batches" Talents Program of the Central Propaganda Department, as well as the "Ten Thousand Talents Program" of the National High level Talents Special Support Program of the Organization Department of the Central Committee. Participated in national thematic creation, the "the Belt and Road" international art project sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and undertaken by the National Academy of Painting of China, and as the first author, undertook to complete the Chinese painting work "Repatriation to the Tang Dynasty"; The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was co sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and undertaken by the China Artists Association to "keep moving forward with original intentions - celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC large-scale art creation project". As the first author, he undertook to complete the Chinese painting work "West East Power Transmission Project, West East Gas Transmission Project". The work has been selected for the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th National Art Exhibition, National Academy Exhibition, and various academic exhibitions, and has won awards such as gold, silver, bronze, and excellence. Published over 20 personal monographs. He has held solo exhibitions in national level exhibition halls such as the National Museum of China, and his works have been collected by national level units such as the National Art Museum of China, the National Museum of China, and the Chinese Academy of Art. CCTV has also provided detailed reports on his artistic achievements in a thematic manner.
霍利斯·邓拉普1977 出生于佛蒙特州东北部,是一位居住在美国康涅狄格州东海岸的画家。他的现代绘画深受从卡拉瓦乔到维米尔的古代大师的影响。颜色的选择、笔触和构图反映了不同画家的影响,从具象到更抽象的构图和不同的绘画应用。从很小的时候起,他就对绘画和素描感兴趣,喜欢在任何可用的媒体上创造虚构的人物、风景和其他作品。
Hollis Dunlap was born in northeastern Vermont in 1977 and is a painter residing on the east coast of Connecticut, United States. His modern paintings were deeply influenced by ancient masters from Caravaggio to Vermeer. The selection of colors, brushstrokes, and compositions reflects the influence of different painters, ranging from concrete to more abstract compositions and different painting applications. Since a very young age, he has been interested in painting and sketching, enjoying creating fictional characters, landscapes, and other works on any available media.
道金平,毕业于西北师范大学美术系中国画专业,多年从事教育和非物质文化遗产保护与研究工作,现为甘肃省庆阳市环县图书馆副研究员。2017年,作品《黄沙百战穿金甲》入选中国书画报北京双拥中心主办的“喜庆十九大。纪念建军九十周年”全国书画展,并先后在《祖国》杂志、《美中时报》、《中华英才》等重要刊物及媒体公开发表并向全球传播;2020 年 8 月策划组织举办了宋仁伟、张文平油画精品展暨环县美术家协会首届油画创作公益培训班;2021年作品《百代沧桑扭乾坤》入选在北京民族文化宫举办的庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年党员先锋展览并参与五国大使馆赠送国际明信片活动,同时由英国、法国、俄罗斯、墨西哥 、马尔代夫五家大使馆颁发证书,获得国内外一致好评。2022年7月个人作品集《艺无止境》中国书画名家精品集道金平专集由河北美术出版社出版发行;2023年6月,其本人作品《五色交辉》参加阿联酋文化艺术交流展,意蕴不凡,有独特的艺术见解,为推动中外文化艺术交流做出了贡献,受到极高的赞誉和关注。2024年1月荣获“五个一工程奖”。同年3月组织举办庆阳市入选国展优秀作品展,全力推动全民美育、文旅融合及艺术人才培养工作。
Dao Jinping, graduated from the Northwest Normal University, Department of Fine Arts, majoring in Chinese painting, engaged in education and intangible cultural heritage protection and research for many years, is now an associate researcher in the library of Huanxian County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province。In 2017, the work "Yellow Sand in Hundred Battles Wearing the Golden Armor" was selected for the "Celebrating the 19th National Congress and Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Army" national calligraphy and painting exhibition hosted by the Beijing Double Support Center of China Book and Pictorial. It has been publicly published in important publications and media such as "Motherland" magazine, "US China Times", and "Chinese Talents" and spread globally; In August 2020, we planned and organized the Song Renwei and Zhang Wenping Oil Painting Exhibition and the first oil painting creation public welfare training class of the Huan County Artists Association; In 2021, the work "A hundred generations of vicissitudes turn the tide" was selected into the Pioneer Party Member Exhibition to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the CPC held in the National Culture Palace in Beijing, and participated in the international postcard presentation activity of five embassies. At the same time, five embassies of the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Mexico and Maldives issued certificates, which won unanimous praise at home and abroad. In July 2022, my personal portfolio "Endless Art" was published and distributed by Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, which is a collection of masterpieces by Chinese calligraphy and painting masters; In June 2023, his own work "Five Colors of Brilliance" participated in the UAE Cultural and Artistic Exchange Exhibition, with extraordinary significance and unique artistic insights, making contributions to promoting cultural and artistic exchanges between China and foreign countries, and receiving high praise and attention. Received the "Five One Project Award" in January 2024. In March of the same year, Qingyang City organized an exhibition of outstanding works selected for the National Exhibition, fully promoting the work of national aesthetic education, cultural tourism integration, and artistic talent cultivation.
Zhao Wensheng, former senior calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture. Vice Chairman of the CCTV International Cultural Exchange and Art Committee. Cultural and artistic consultant for central media. People's meritorious artists and art mentors. Vice President of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute. Five One Project Awards. Visiting Professor at the Central Radio and Television International Development Center. Was awarded the title of "Pioneer Figure in the Art of Calligraphy and Painting in the New Era" by the People's Daily. Art consultant of the Social Arts Committee of the China Oriental Culture Research Association. BRICS artist. Art Director of China Television. Chairman of the jury for the Asia International Youth Film Festival. Director and specially appointed expert of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Society. The cursive script received high praise from Professors Fan Zeng and Xue Yongnian. Multiple textbooks and monographs have been distributed nationwide. I have walked into CCTV multiple times and appeared on the China column at the tip of my pen. The works have been exhibited and broadcasted in the waiting hall of Beijing Airport, high-speed rail station, and the capital subway, influencing both domestic and international audiences. Awarded as the most valuable collector and artist of contemporary art. In 2021, he was awarded the title of "Role Model of the Times - Chinese Zhao Wensheng under the Pen" by the Central Propaganda Department; It was awarded the title of "National Art model worker" by the Ministry of Culture of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 2022, awarded the honor of "Republic Art Model" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Awarded the title of "People's Calligrapher and Painter" by the Chinese Calligraphy Association, the China US Association, and others. In the same year, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Culture Brand Character" by the Central Radio and Television International Cultural Exchange and Arts Committee. In 2023, the Cultural China Ambassador was specially awarded as the founder of Yicao Calligraphy. The long scroll was awarded as a national treasure and archived in the national treasure archives. In 2024, Love invites China Education Television to record the program "Happy China Year".
王跃山,1945年生,法号梵城子。自幼喜爱美术,在北京琉璃厂居住期间,学习写意花鸟画,得到齐良末先生及众多名家指点。2005年,参加《夕阳红》老年绘画课堂,以画虾为主。2009年,获得中国美术学院社会美术考级九级,证书编号:2009090720。2010年,被国际文化艺术认证评委会评为ABCB2·级。同年通过ISQ9000A艺术体系资质认证。中华人民美术网签约书画家,中国书画发展联合会终身顾问,中国书画家联谊会会员。文化部艺术发展中人心及中国职称润格评定中心授予一级书画师。2020年5月,书画艺术从业者人才库特邀入驻专家。7月中国国际文学艺术界联合会授予国际书画艺术家并颁发终身资质证书。获得全国第一批非物质文化遗产创新人才荣誉称号。2023年8月,授予国礼艺术家称号,证书编号:ICA10011。9月授予:全国贡献突出专家称号,证书编号:QGG X TCZJ029。由中国国宾礼文化保护委员会、中国国宾礼艺术大师评审委员会授予国宾礼艺术大师:证书编号:G-B2023240。
Wang Yueshan, born in 1945, with the French name Fanchengzi. I have loved art since I was young. During my stay at Beijing Liulichang, I studied freehand flower and bird painting and received guidance from Mr. Qi Liangmo and many famous artists.In 2005, participated in the "Sunset Red" senior art class, focusing on drawing shrimp.In 2009, obtained the Level 9 Social Art Examination of China Academy of Fine Arts with certificate number 2009090720.In 2010, it was rated ABCB2 · by the International Cultural and Art Certification Committee. Passed the ISQ9000A art system qualification certification in the same year. Signed with the People's Art Network of China as a calligrapher and painter, lifelong consultant of the China Calligraphy and Painting Development Federation, and member of the China Calligrapher and Painter Association. The Ministry of Culture's Art Development Center and the Chinese Professional Title Runge Evaluation Center have awarded a first-class calligrapher and painter.In May 2020, the talent pool for calligraphy and painting practitioners invited experts to join. In July, the China International Federation of Literary and Artistic Circles awarded international calligraphy and painting artists a lifelong qualification certificate. Received the honorary title of the first batch of innovative talents for intangible cultural heritage in China.In August 2023, awarded the title of National Ritual Artist with certificate number ICA10011. In September, awarded the title of National Outstanding Contribution Expert with certificate number QGG X TCZJ029. Awarded by the China National Guest Rite Cultural Protection Committee and the China National Guest Rite Art Master Evaluation Committee as a National Guest Rite Art Master with certificate number G-B2023240.
王跃山作品《同一世界 和平共存》
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全球绿色发展新机遇 共绘喀什绿色发展新蓝图
第十四届中国对外投资合作洽谈会于2024年5月27日至28日盛大举行,为 -
在当今社会,女性对护肤的需求日益增长,她们追求自然、健康、有效的 -
百花辰有一段充满爱心与责任的行动。马婷,作为百花辰的慈善大使,通 -
对标最高最好最优 提升工会工作水平
近日,中国二十二冶集团石家庄公司工会通过“走出去”的方式,组织... -
近日,第二十届中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会(以下简称“文博会 -
GXG塑造未来通勤生活 打造全场景男装体验
在中国男装市场竞争日益激烈的今天,“新一代男装通勤风”成为关注焦... -
加强品牌建设是提升金融企业影响力和竞争力的重要举措,也是践行“ -
作为全球知名的平价社区超市,奥乐齐自进入中国市场以来,凭借其高 -
2024年5月22日,区氏传统木作陈列馆盛大开馆,陈列馆首个主题展览上... -
2019年2月,林彬校长开始了解晋级。疫情三年跟晋级总部老师一直保持... -
首个娟姗奶粉标准发布 辉山奶粉成中国宝宝的新选择
5月20日,第二届娟姗奶粉节暨娟姗奶源奶粉标准发布会在沈阳举办。为 -
EBACE2024 - 先进空中交通多个“首次“亮相展会
比利时布鲁塞尔和美国华盛顿特区,2024年3月25日 - 今年的欧洲商 -
科大讯飞AI学习机LUMIE 10 Pro助力每个孩子高效学习
在科技飞速发展的今天,人工智能正在逐步渗透到我们生活的方方面面 -
一、交强险赔偿范围交强险只对本车人员和被保险人以外的受害人承担... -
纽博格林24小时耐力赛(The ADAC RAVENOL 24h Nürburgring)被 -
开创AI办公会议新体验,iFLYBUDS 2为你的职场生活加Buff
5月15日,未来智能发布了新一代讯飞会议耳机Pro 2、iFLYBUDS 2等 -
Android 15正式发布,OPPO连续六年首批适配
北京时间5月15日,代号为「Vanilla Ice Cream(香草冰淇淋)」的 An -
搭载全新升级viaim AI,讯飞会议耳机Pro 2首销价1399元起
2024年5月15日,人工智能硬件公司未来智能发布了讯飞会议耳机Pro 2 -
5月15日,蒙牛在微博官宣演员、导演贾玲担任新品牌代言人。该事件在 -
最近,上海发生了一件令人震惊的事件,一位名叫杨烨炘的艺术家,在520... -
千元耐用神机OPPO K12x正式发布,售价1299元起
5月14日,OPPO宣布K12家族再添新成员,千元耐用神机OPPO K12x正式登 -
新时期下,“乡村振兴,产业先行;产业振兴,品牌引领”已成为社会... -
迈向百年品牌的蒙牛方法论: 锚定“天生要强” 坚持长期主义
5月10日至12日,由新华通讯社、中国品牌建设促进会联合主办的2024世... -
近日,人工智能硬件公司未来智能官宣,将于5月15日在北京举办2... -
有一个案例,说A开车跟在一辆奔驰后面,奔驰看到前面有交通事故紧急... -
一、女性在生活中面临着各种特殊的健康挑战。女性特定疾病险的出现 -
「阿里妈妈618增长策略云发布」直播正式官宣:阿里妈妈今年将释放史... -
十年山河,九野洛宁。近日,来自五湖四海的越野爱好者齐聚河南洛宁 -
美缝剂品牌:随着家居装修市场的繁荣,美缝产品作为细节处理的关键环 -
百步穿杨 尽显风采 2024现代汽车·射箭世界杯赛上海站圆满落幕
4月23日-28日,2024现代汽车•射箭世界杯赛上海站于浦东新区拉开帷 -
1799元起!OPPO K12正式开售,引领百瓦闪充超长续航双普及
4月29日上午10点,超耐用续航神机OPPO K12正式开售,首销到手价1799 -
4月15日上午,有大批网友反映称,由中央和国家机关金融人才发展工作 -
免责声明:市场有风险,选择需谨慎!此文仅供参考,不作买卖依据。 -
在悉尼寻找理想的房产可以是一项艰巨的任务,而选择一家优秀的房产中... -
原创作者:兔豪提到斯巴鲁,很多人都会用”好开”来评价,究竟是哪... -
免责声明:市场有风险,选择需谨慎!此文仅供参考,不作买卖依据。 -
2024年4月25日,随着北京国际车展的盛大开幕,长城哈弗发布了全球化 -
致敬劳动 讴歌青春
4月25日,在“五一”国际劳动节之际,中国二十二冶集团石家庄公司工... -
碧橙子公司扬趣凭借前瞻性的电商代运营模式,在2023年度上海国际广告 -
定位“全球SUV专家”,以“做每个时代最好的SUV”为使命愿景,长城... -
发布电动化蓝图 现代汽车携旗下重磅车型亮相北京车展
- 本届北京车展,现代汽车集中亮相电动化、氢能、高性能、未来出行 -
行走江湖的杀手锏 解析傲虎全时四驱和X-MODE的精妙配合